Barn Owl

This post is from my birds in my back yard page,however I felt the Barn Owl deserved its own post.I shall update this post with further pictures of the owl. The Barn Owl is the most widely distributed owl in the world. I often hear it screeching but rarely get to see it. It is predominantly brown and white however the brown part of the owl has black spots on it. Owl update : The owl has begun living in my building shafts and seems to be a juvenile. the owl is often seen by me either early morning or late evening. Saw the owl at about 6:30 am one morning allowing me to get a clear shot of it. I hope to see more of the owl in the future!!! August 10 2015 - Saw the owl again today but instead of one I saw two of them. fabulous sighing but not so fabulous lighting conditions led to this photo. Owl sighting August 13 2015 I saw the owl at 6:15 in the morning.It sat in the shaft before going i...