A little about Umred Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary

Umred Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary

This is one of the few parks where for the first few days I saw more tigers than any other animals. The park has four gates : Gothangaon, Kharandla, Pauni and Pullar. I have been to only two of them namely Gothangaon and Kharandla .In total we saw five tigers. We saw two tigers and a leopard at Gothangaon and three tigers at Kharandla . Most of the tigers in the park are of some relation to the parks dominant male tiger Jay. Jay is not orignally from the park but rather he has migrated from the tourism zone of Nawegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve. This was quite feat as he had to cross roads, highways and even railway lines to reach the park.
Jay is not shy of people and doesn't even move for cars. .He is a very large tiger and some claim him to be the biggest in India. I how ever do not know if this is true.


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