Ranthambore 2017 - Day 1

 We started the full day trip to Ranthambore with a bang, within the first hour we were greeted by Noor (T39).We had the pleasure of photographing her for a long time as the tigress is rather bold.
 After Noor receded into a water hole far away we came across the pug marks of a  tiger cub. We followed the pug marks to find  T60 and three cubs sitting in shade a few feet away from the road. Very soon they crossed the road and went into shrubs to further cool down.
The images below are of Noor, T60 and T60's cubs.

Noor T39

Noor T39


Noor T39 

Noor T39 

Noor T39  

Noor T39

Noor T39 

Noor T39


T60 and cubs

T60 and cubs
Noor T39

Noor T39

Noor T39

Noor T39
T60 Cubs



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